Ulysses Lewin, an Ancient
The Ancients are a near extinct spieces, and are the predecessors of the Vampyres. They were around before the birth of human kind, but many of them married into this species, and the majority lost their powers. There are now only two Ancients remaining.
Ancients inherit their species from their parents and predecessors. However, should one parent be human and the other an Ancient, the child will not neccessarily be Ancient, but this is still possible.
The Ancients appear human, having existed long before the human race. They tend to have very dark hair, with tanned skin and normally very tall, as well. Along with this, all Ancients are very attractive. They are easily mistakeable for human.
Ancients' Gifts[]
Along with the naturally enhanced speed and strength, they are also more intuitive and smarter than average humans and Vampyres. Each different Ancient also has the capability to have up to seven different abilities, and normally they are linked to the families, but not all of them are.
Ancients feed like normal humans would - off food. They can survive this way, eating processed, store-brought food, however they existed before this option existed and Ancients tend to prefer eating raw meat or hunting animals. They do not feed off human blood.
The Ancients were at their prime around 100BC, spending little time with humans, but sharing the planet peacefully and keeping their existence hidden. However, several centuries later, Ancients decided to move to towns, to see what human life was like, and when this happened, they began to marry into the humans and with the Ainsprid growing more powerful, eventually they became almost extinct with only two exceptions.
Known Ancients[]
- Ulysses Lewin (deceased)
- Dani Lewin
- Greg Baxendale