HeroesRP Wiki
Calmness Manipulation

Ability to:
manipulate the calmness of a person's state of mind

Calmness manipulation is the ability to manipulate the calmness of a person's state of mind.



This ability could be used to induce calmness, pacifying a situation and diffusing tension, and stronger use could sedate a person. It could also have a sort of anaesthetic effect - it won't prevent pain but it'll weaken how a person reacts to pain. It could also make a person less calm, making them rage and in extreme cases having a similar effect to primal rage.

Similar Abilities[]

  • Pacifism is the ability to diffuse tension
  • Sedation is the ability to sedate others and force them to sleep
  • Sleep inducing can also force others to sleep
  • Lullaby is the ability to induce sleep via singing
  • Anaesthesia is the ability to numb and prevent the perception of pain
  • Nocikinesis can also have an anaesthetic effect
  • Primal rage is the ability to induce a primal, feral state of rage in others
  • Primal aggression is the ability to make oneself become feral and aggressive
  • Ferity induction is the ability to make others become feral using multiple methods