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Diana as an adult

Diana Miriam Hathaway is a character used by Lowri in the future of World 11: Villains. She will be the younger sister of JulianBea and Lilly Hathaway. She will possess the abilities of Selective Immunity, Elemental Reversal and Building Manipulation.


Diana will have dark red hair which will curl slightly and will be cut at around shoulder length. Her eyes will be blue, a trait shared by all of her siblings.


Diana's first ability will be Selective Immunity. Diana will be able to give herself almost any immunity she can think of, simply by selecting it in her mind. The only immunity she won't be able to gain will be an immunity to all abilities.  She could give herself an immunity to certain forms of abilities, like a mental immunity or a precognitive immunity, or she could create a more specific immunity which would protect against one effect, such as immunity to sleep. She will lose her older immunity once she selects a new one, but otherwise she will keep an immunity indefinitely.

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Transforming air into earth

Her second ability will be Elemental Reversal. The ability can be used to turn any of the four elements into its opposite. It would transform fire into water and water into fire, as well as air into earth and vice versa. The amount of element produced will depend upon the amount of the opposite element originally present. It will not be possible to create less or more. The larger the amount transformed, the more energy it will take.

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Making a building enlarge and extend itself

Her third ability will be Building Manipulation. This ability will her to alter the structure of buildings. For example, she could use it to change the rooms a building contains, to create or remove doors or windows, or even to enlarge the entire building. It could also be used to communicate with buildings, and could make buildings aware of their interiors and surroundings, so she could use it to inform themselves about what's happening in another room or outside. It could also affect systems in-built into a building, such as lighting, heating or ventilation.

Family & Relationships[]

History & Future[]


Diana is a Latin name meaning "divine". It is also the name of the Roman goddess of the moon and the hunt. Her middle name, Miriam, is a Hebrew name which can mean "bitter" or "rebellious". Her surname, Hathaway, is an English name which refers to a person who lived by a path across a heath.
