HeroesRP Wiki
Illusionary Electrocution
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Inducing an illusion of electrocution
Ability to:
cause an illusion of being electrocuted

Illusionary electrocution is the ability to create an illusion which makes people feel as if they're being electrocuted.



This ability could be used to create a mental illusion which will make people believe they are being electrocuted. If done strongly enough, the illusion could stop the heart. When she first manifests, Alisha will require physical contact to induce the illusion, but as the ability develops the illusion could be caused through eye contact instead. She could make people believe that they have seen and heard the electricity as well as feeling its effect. However, the ability will always be mental in nature. This means it could be blocked by abilities such as perspecuity, mind shielding, diamond aura and mental shield.

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