Quinn Shauna Bennet-Berg is a character who will be used by Lowri in the future of World 2: Reflections. She will be the daughter of Claire Bennet and Gretchen Berg. She will possess the abilities of Catharsis, Ability Reflection and Catoptric Teleportation.

Quinn as an adult
As a small child, Quinn will have faint, whispy light blonde hair, but this will darken and become a golden shade. Her eyes will always be a light blue, throughout her life. Her skin will be pale, at first, and although it will darken somewhat by the time she's an adult, she will never be deeply tanned. She will follow fashion dedicatedly. She will also make a lot of effort with her appearance, as a rule, and will never be seen without makeup.

Exhaling impurities out
Quinn's first ability will be Catharsis. She will be able to use this ability to remove illnesses and other impurities from her body, by forcibly exhaling them out. When she wants to do so, she will be able to breathe all illnesses out in a fine mist, leaving herself perfectly healthy. She will also be able to exhale out poisons and drugs, and even personal issues or faults.

Reflecting back pyrokinesis
Her second ability will be Ability Reflection. When she consciously activates this ability, she will be able to reflect back the effect of another ability onto its source. This can only be done if that person attempted to use their ability on or against Quinn. Unlike with ability deflection and deflection, self-immunity doesn't give any protection against this, since it is the effect of the ability which is reflected and not only the actual ability. In addition to reflecting offensive ability attacks and various manipulations, Quinn will also be able to reflect telepathy and mind reading, making the person hear their own thoughts instead, or any precognitive ability, showing them their own future instead of her own.

Teleporting through a mirror
Her third ability will be Catoptric Teleportation. Quinn will be be able to teleport limitedly by means of a mirror. She will be able to step into any mirror or other reflective surface, and step out of another reflection, in which her image will have suddenly appeared, seconds earlier. The image will seem to solidify and move forwards as she teleports out of the mirror. She will only be able to teleport if there is a reflection nearby to use, and will also only be able to appear in other locations where there is another reflection. She will consciously choose the other location while stepping into the mirror, though it can also be guided subconsciously or by random thoughts.
Quinn is a Gaelic name which means "son of Cuinn". Her middle name, Shauna, is a Hebrew name which means "God is gracious". Her surname of Bennet is Latin and means "blessed", while her surname of Berg is German and also Norse, and means "mountain".