Rooftop enlargement is is the ability to enlarge rooftops, making their surface area bigger.
- Riley Goldsmith possessed this ability naturally.
- Simon Herriford will also have this ability naturally.
Riley Goldsmith[]
Riley could extend the size of any existing rooftop. There didn't seem to be any maximum limit to the enlargement. He could thus use the ability to destroy a building. However, he only displayed the ability once, accidentally, when he briefly extended the roof of his home shortly after manifestation, and he tried not to use the ability as he did not wish to destroy architecture.
Simon Herriford[]
Simon will be able to increase the size of any roof or rooftop. He will merely have to imagine the roof as being larger and it will grow until it matches his vision. The transformation will appear instantaneous. It will not matter how much larger the rooftop will have to become. However, the ability will not work on anything else other than roofs.
Similar Abilities[]
- Size alteration is the ability to alter the size of anything
- Mass manipulation is the ability to manipulate and control mass