HeroesRP Wiki
Sensory Projection

Seeing a distant event
Ability to:
project one's senses to other places

Sensory projection is the ability to project one's senses to other places.



Alex Petrelli[]

Alex will be able to project his senses to other places in order to detect things he couldn't sense from his own position. He will also be able to project his senses into other people, and when he does this he will be able to choose whether he shares their senses or shows them what he is currently sensing. Unless he is using this second option, he will be unaware of his surroundings through any sense he is projecting. For example, if he projected his vision around a corner, he would no longer be able to see what is right in front of him, until he brings his vision back.

Louisianna Harrison[]

Like Alex, Lou will be able to project her senses to other places and into other people. She will be capable of seeing from other perspectives and detecting things she normally couldn't see from her own position. She will also be able to let others see what she is currently seeing. She will however not be able to see her immediate surroundings if she is also seeing from another perspective. Her vision will always remain enhanced, and if she projects her senses to a human, his or her vision will also be temporarily enhanced.

Hermione Beaulieu[]

Hermione's ability will enable her to project her senses outwards, letting her see and hear many different perspectives. She could borrow another person's hearing or view around a corner. She could also project her senses of smell, taste and touch, but will project hearing and sight the most often. However, unlike others who possess this ability, she will not be able to project her senses in order to let others perceive what she perceives. The ability will only work in her own direction. Also, when she projects a sense, she will lose the normal sensory awareness of her own position until she consciously deactivates the effect, or loses it from lack of concentration. 

Katie Greene[]

Katie will have the same limits as Alex.

Similar Abilities[]
