HeroesRP Wiki
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The Organisation base

World 2: Reflections is the second world, now set around 8 years after Brave New World. However, certain events have occured differently in this world than to canon, or have not occured at all, e.g. the exposure of abilities at the end of Brave New World. Several of the characters used actually originate from the BBC thread, since this is a continuation of our original RP world.


The plot of World 2 is mainly centred around an extensive family and around members of the Organisation. Abilities are not public knowledge, and are kept secret by the Organisation, which also prevents people from abusing their abilities and protects evolved humans from possible threats such as that posed by B26. The Organisation was founded after the New Company was discovered to be corrupt and continuing to behave as its predecessor had. By a fluke of events, the majority of its cofounders eventually learned that they were also related to each other, forming the extensive family mentioned earlier. The world now follows their lives.


The moderator is this world is Wayward Daughter.

Main Characters[]

Wayward Daughter[]


Mrs P Sylar[]


Lewis []
